The XifaxMail system is a 100% anonymous email sending service.
Without XifaxMail: Your IP address is included in all your outgoing emails. This means your email can be traced back direct to the personal computer you use.
With XifaxMail: All outgoing emails have the XifaxMail server's IP address. This makes it impossible to trace the email to your personal computer.
XifaxMail Features
- 100% anonymous sending facility
- Send email to 50 recipients at a time
- Easy to use web based form to send email
- Send email from any internet connected computer
- Send email 24/7 from anywhere in the world
- Use any FROM address, so your email appears to be sent from the address you choose
- No emails are logged or stored by us
- Send only, no receive email feature (use a public free email instead)
Only $19.99 a month for unlimited use
Order now, all major cards accepted. Contact us for other payment methods.
By placing your order you agree to the terms and conditions of service
$19.99 one time payment
for one mont
for one mont
$19.99 a month
recurring payment
recurring payment
Upon completion of your order you will receive access instructions